Workshop Chairs

José Antonio Parejo Maestre,
SCORE Lab, I3US Institute, Universidad de Sevilla,
ETSII, Avda. de la Reina Mercedes s/n, 41012, Sevilla, Spain

Dr. José Antonio Parejo Maestre is a highly experienced professional with over 20 years of experience in both private industry and academia. He has spent 7 years working as a programmer, lead developer, and project manager in private companies and 14 years as a teacher and researcher at the University of Seville where he works as tenured assistant professor. Dr. Parejo Maestre received his Bachelor of Computer Science Engineering degree from the University of Seville in 2002, and was awarded his PhD with International Mention and honors in 2013. He was also recognized with the Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the University of Seville.
His final bachelor project was a software framework for programming and executing metaheuristic optimization algorithms (a variant of search algorithms used in AI). This project earned the 2nd prize for the best project in the 2002/2003 academic year. Additionally, José’s exceptional academic record was acknowledged with the 3rd prize for the best academic record of his promotion.
Currently, Dr. Parejo Maestre is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Languages and Systems and a researcher in the Applied Software Engineering (ISA) group. His research interests are focused on optimization with metaheuristics, software engineering, and service-oriented computing. He has published numerous articles and participated in more than 30 scientific publications, including 14 indexed in the ISI-JCR and 4 contributions to international conferences indexed in the SCI and with a category A rating in the CORE index. According to Google Scholar, Dr. Parejo Maestre has received over 1,297 citations and has an H-index of 18 and an i10 index of 21.
He has carried out a pre-doctoral stay of 3 months at the U. Politecnica di Milano) and a post-doctoral stay of 6 months at the U. de Cordoba.
In addition to his research, Dr. Parejo Maestre has also participated in 10 R&D projects and 10 other contracts, with a total funding of over 2 million euros. He has developed two registered software tools that have been used by several universities and dozens of users, and have generated an estimated value of €50,600 for participating companies. Dr. Parejo was the quality policy manager of his research group from 2008 to 2019 and was instrumental in achieving the group’s certification in the quality standards ISO-9001 (quality management), UNE-166002 (R&D&I management), and ISO-14001 (environmental management system)
He has served as the chair of the Artificial Intelligence for Software Engineering track at the Spanish Software Engineering and Databases Conference (JISBD). Additionally, contributed as a member of the organization for the BPM 2020 and ICSOC 2022 conferences.

José María García,
SCORE Lab, I3US Institute, Universidad de Sevilla,
ETSII, Avda. de la Reina Mercedes s/n, 41012, Sevilla, Spain

Dr. José María García began his professional career after obtaining his degree in Computer Engineering with honours in 2004. After two years working for the industry, he moved to the University of Seville (US) in Spain, where he began his doctoral studies in the Department of Languages and Computer Systems, obtaining a predoctoral scholarship from the Junta de Andalucía. In 2012 he received his PhD from the University of Seville, with an International Mention and the highest qualification of cum laude. During this period, his research topic was semantic web services, focusing on automated service discovery and ranking based on user preferences.
After his predoctoral scholarship, in 2013, he became a postdoctoral researcher at the Semantic Technology Institute of the University of Innsbruck (Austria). In 2015, he obtained the position of Assistant Professor in the Department of Languages and Computer Systems of the US. Since 2019, he has been an Associate Professor in the same Department. He is a member of the Unit of Excellence “Smart Computer Systems Research and Engineering” (SCORE) of the US, the “Research Institute of Informatics Engineering” (I3US), and the “Applied Software Engineering” (ISA) research group, where he leads research works on cloud services agreements modelling and analysis, as well as applications of blockchain technologies, mainly on smart contracts. In these areas, he has published 12 journal articles indexed in JCR and contributed to top-tier conferences, including international collaborations. One of his latest journal articles has been highlighted in Chainlink Research Reports, including a video interview and community engagement.
His research experience is complemented by a predoctoral stay at the University of Innsbruck (Austria) in 2008 (3 months), a postdoctoral stay at the Open University (United Kingdom) in 2012 (3 months), as well as with his participation in up to 19 research projects, including several EU FP7, national and regional projects. He has been actively collaborating with the EU research infrastructure LifeWatch ERIC in tasks related to semantic modelling and blockchain technologies application as a member of LifeWatch Spain JRU. His collaborations with the industry have led to his participation in 4 research transfer contracts, being co-PI of one of them, and he is currently Principal Investigator in a 430K € funded research and innovation project.
José María has been a reviewer in 15 journals indexed in JCR, has participated in various program committees of international and national conferences, has been part of the organisation of two national conferences and the ICSOC 2022 international conference, PC co-chair of the Blockchain Forum in BPM 2020, Blockchain Forum coordinator in national conference JCIS – SISTEDES since 2019, and has acted as PC member and assistant reviewer in more than 30 journals, conferences, and international workshops.

Víctor Casamayor Pujol
Distributed systems Group, Technical University of Viena
Karlsplatz 13, 1040, Vienna, Austria

Dr. Víctor is a postdoctoral project assistant at the Distributed Systems Group of the Institute of Information System at TU Wien since January 2021. He recently received his PhD from the UPF with the thesis “Map-less inventory and location for an RFID inventory robot” in the UbiCA Lab group under the supervision of Rafael Pous Andrés. Before, he obtained the Master in Intelligent Interactive Systems also from the UPF. Previously, he worked for 18 months at CNES in Paris as a space propulsion engineer. Before, he got a master on Space Systems Engineering at ISAE-Supaero and he graduated as an aeronautical engineer in 2011 from the UPC.